Terms & Conditions
1.Submission Requirements:
Entries must directly respond to the prompt: "Imagine you are in charge. What would you tell world leaders to do right now to make a fairer future for people and the planet?" Submissions can be in the form of a short statement, drawing, photo, video, poem, or a longer piece of writing.
All submissions must adhere to community standards, which prohibit inappropriate, offensive, or harmful content. Submissions that violate these standards may be disqualified and will not be displayed at the event or online.
2.Parental/Guardian Consent:
A responsible adult (e.g., parent or carer) must complete the online consent form and upload the creative submission on behalf of the participant if aged under 16 years old. Entries for those aged 16-18 years can submit and provide their own confirmation of the consent.
Consent will be verified by confirming the checkbox on the submission form. During the consent process, only minimal data will be collected to verify consent and communicate with participants. All data collected will be protected and stored securely, ensuring participants' privacy is safeguarded.
The creative elements of entries must not contain any personal details, including the child's name, address, or other identifying information. If any personal information is accidentally included in a submission, Reasons to be Hopeful will take steps to redact it or exclude the submission from display.
Parents or guardians have the right to request the removal or correction of any personal data associated with a submission by contacting Reasons to be Hopeful by email: hello@reasonstobehopeful.co.uk
All submissions must be original works created by the participant and not include plagiarised content.
Original work is defined as content that the participant independently creates without copying existing works. Plagiarism is an offense defined as the use of another’s words, ideas, or expressions without acknowledging their source. Plagiarism will result in the submission being excluded from the event.
Submissions that utilise artificial intelligence (AI) tools must disclose this fact, and such submissions will only be accepted if they demonstrate significant creative input from the participant.
5.Showcasing Submissions:
Submissions will be considered for showcasing at the 'Building Hopeful Futures Festival' held in New York on 19th September 2024. We will endeavour to showcase as many submissions as possible. However, participation in the submission process does not guarantee that the work will be showcased at the festival.
6.Online Display:
Submissions will also be displayed on the Reasons to be Hopeful website, social media platforms, and social media connected to the Building Hopeful Futures Festival.
7.Personal Information:
When displaying submissions, whether at the festival or online, the only personal details shown will be the participant's age and country. No further personal information will be disclosed to third parties or displayed publicly without explicit consent.
8.Copyright and Usage:
The copyright of each submission remains with the participant. By submitting their work, participants grant Reasons to be Hopeful an irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to republish the work in perpetuity and without any financial obligation to the participant.
This licence includes, but is not limited to, online publication on the Reasons to be Hopeful website, social media platforms, and other media associated with the Building Hopeful Futures Festival. The scope of this non-exclusive, royalty-free licence covers various types of media, including digital, print, and promotional materials.
Organisations may modify the work as necessary, such as resizing, cropping, or adding logos, while ensuring that the participant's moral rights are respected. The work will not be used in a way that is derogatory or harmful to the participant.
9.Withdrawal of Consent:
If at any point you wish to withdraw your submission or consent, please contact us at hello@reasonstobehopeful.co.uk. Once we receive this request, we will acknowledge receipt. We will then act as quickly as possible to remove submissions from online platforms and any ongoing obligations and will keep you updated throughout this process.
10.Data Retention:
We will make every effort to display as many submissions as possible. If your submission is not displayed at the Festival or online, we will delete all data connected to it by 20th December 2024. All data connected to displayed submissions will be deleted by 20th February 2025.
11. Ethical & Social Considerations:
All submissions will be displayed with consideration for cultural differences and respect for diverse backgrounds and values.
The emotional and social implications of displaying children's artwork will be carefully considered. All submissions will be exhibited in a manner that does not exploit or negatively impact the participants.
Letter / Form of Consent
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are excited that your child is interested in participating in ‘Younger Voices for Fairer Futures,’ Reasons to be Hopeful’s contribution to the Building Hopeful Futures Event. If your child is under 18 years old, we require your consent to include your child’s submission in this event.
Please review the information below and verify your agreement by completing the checkbox connected to this consent form.
Consent for Participation and Publication
By confirming this consent form, you grant permission for your child’s submission to be showcased by Reasons to be Hopeful at the Building Hopeful Futures Festival in New York on 19th September 2024.
You also consent and agree to grant Reasons to Hopeful permission to reproduce and distribute your child’s submission to ‘Younger Voices for Fairer Futures.’ You agree and understand that, if on the submission form you submit your child’s age and country, we will display this information along with their submission. Please let us know by email to hello@reasonstobehopeful.co.uk if you have any reservations or questions about this.
You confirm you allow Reasons to be Hopeful to use this information, in any form or medium, without further permission or financial obligation to the youth. Consent to this royalty-free licence is a condition for participation in the Reasons to be Hopeful project ‘Younger Voices for Fairer Futures.’ This is a nonexclusive licence. The youth retain all rights to their participation (except the right to terminate this licence), including the right to publish or submit their work to others for publication.
While your child retains the copyright to their submission, this consent grants Reasons to be Hopeful an irrevocable, non-exclusive licence to republish the work in perpetuity. This includes displaying submissions at the Building Hoping Futures Festival, online publication on the Reasons to be Hopeful website, our social media platforms and those associated with the Building Hopeful Futures Festival.
Originality of Work
Confirming this consent form confirms that your child’s submission is their original work. Plagiarism, or the use of another’s words, ideas, or expressions without proper attribution, is strictly prohibited.
Privacy and Data Protection
If any personal information is accidentally included in a submission, you agree to Reasons to be Hopeful taking steps to redact it or exclude the submission from display.
All data related to the exhibition will be deleted by Reasons to be Hopeful by 20th February 2025.
Withdrawal of Consent
If at any point you wish to withdraw your consent or your child’s submission, please get in touch with us at hello@reasonstobehopeful.co.uk and we follow the procedure as outlined in the Terms and Conditions.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please reach out at the same email address.
Thank you for supporting your child’s participation in celebrating the UN Summit of the Future through Reasons to be Hopeful.
You confirm your consent as described above by completing the checkbox connected to this form.